Currently serving schools in Alberta
Limited availability or waitlist for
in-person sessions
Speech Support
Do you have concerns regarding clarity of speech?
Do listeners have difficulty understanding your message?
We offer support for articulation and phonological delays and disorders.
Language Support
Do you have concerns regarding speaking and understanding?
Would you like to improve vocabulary, grammar or communication skills in general?
Do you have concerns regarding understanding, answering questions or following instructions?
Orofacial Myology
Approximately 80% of individuals with speech difficulties have an accompanying orofacial myological disorder.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy addresses the underlying issue, providing a positive solution for speech sound difficulties, thumb sucking, incorrect swallow patterns, and atypical rest posture of the tongue and lips.
Literacy Support
Do you have concerns with spelling or sounding out words?
Underlying speech and language issues can have an impact on reading and writing skills. A speech pathologist can help.
Would you like to improve the flow of your speech?
Mastering fluency strategies can equip you with tools and confidence to manage and overcome moments of stuttering.
Executive Functioning
Do you have trouble starting and completing tasks and school assignments, planning, staying organized, or managing your time?
Learn strategies to help manage your day and get tasks done.
A Holistic, Efficient Approach
“In a single session, my daughter had a breakthrough.×´
Adrienne C.
Dedicated and Caring
“The skills my son has learned over the years helped boost his confidence and improved his speech a lot.×´
Maria F.
Engaging Activities
“We've learned helpful strategies in our sessions and my son always has fun during the activities. He's constantly asking when his next session is!×´
Christina H.